10-01-2018, 01:47 PM
During boot-up, the Amiga is going through a series of system checks and routines.
screen with colors. If the system checks out ok, you will see the following
sequence that you have seen so many times.
DARK GRAY: The initial hardware tested OK. the 68000 is running and the registers are readable.
LIGHT GRAY: The software is coming in and seems OK.
WHITE: The initialization test have passed.
The failure mode screen colors:
If the Amiga caps lock key LED blinks repeatedly at boot up, another series of error messages must be consulted:
- Clear all chips of old data
- Disable DMA and interrupts during the test.
- Clear the screen.
- Check the hardware ....checks to see if 68000 is functioning.
- Change screen color.
- Do a checksum test on all ROMS.
- Change screen color.
- Beginning of system startup.
- Check RAM at $C0000 and move SYSBASE there
- Test All CHIP RAM.
- Change screen color.
- Check that software is coming in ok.
- Change screen color.
- Setup CHIP RAM to receive data.
- Link the libraries
- Check for additional memory and link it
- Turn the DMA and interrupts back on.
- Start a default task.
- Check for 68010, 68020, 68881 or other processor upgrades.
- Check to see if there is an exception or processor error
- If so do a system reset.
screen with colors. If the system checks out ok, you will see the following
sequence that you have seen so many times.
DARK GRAY: The initial hardware tested OK. the 68000 is running and the registers are readable.
LIGHT GRAY: The software is coming in and seems OK.
WHITE: The initialization test have passed.
The failure mode screen colors:
- Turquoise (0x0CC) (A1000 only): RAM failure in the Kickstart WCS
- Green (0x0F0) error in the lowest 256 bytes of Chip RAM. Possible causes, defective CIA-A IC or defective Agnus IC.
- Yellow (0xFE5) an unexpected processor exception before the appropriate system failure message was prepared. This could mean defective hardware or an attempt to access a RAM address where no RAM exists.
- Red (0xF00) invalid KickStart ROM checksum.
- Magenta (0xF0F) single-task or cold-start initialization failed.
If the Amiga caps lock key LED blinks repeatedly at boot up, another series of error messages must be consulted:
- One blink: keyboard ROM checksum error
- Two blinks: RAM failure
- Three blinks: watchdog timer failure
- RED: Error was found in ROMS.
- GREEN: Error found in the CHIP RAM.
- BLUE: Error was found in the custom chips.
- YELLOW: If 68000 found an error before the error trapping software (GURU) was running.
- Performs checksum on ROM's
- Checks 64 bytes of RAM.
- The timer is tested.
- Performs handshake with computer and gives results of self-test.
- One Blink: Keyboard ROM check failed.
- Two Blinks: Keyboard RAM checked failed.
- Three Blinks: Watch dog timer failed
- Four Blinks: A short between two row lines or special control keys.